Lawn Care includes standard lawn maintenance services such as mowing and trimming. It also involves weed control and fertilizing to promote healthy turf grass and discourage pests.
Lawns need fungicide treatments to prevent and treat common lawn diseases such as brown patch and summer patch. Adding legumes such as white clover to a shade mix helps to maintain soil fertility by associating with bacteria that fix nitrogen from the atmosphere. Visit to learn more.

The lawn is a key part of many landscapes. It provides a vibrant backdrop for herbaceous borders, makes an ideal place to host summer picnics, and serves as a foraging ground for birds and other wildlife. It’s also an important source of oxygen and carbon dioxide, reducing air pollution and contributing to a healthy environment. But maintaining a lush lawn requires regular, comprehensive services that go beyond basic weekly mowing. These services include pest control, fertilization, weed control, soil testing, aeration and seeding and deep root feeding for trees and shrubs. These services are known as lawn care and differ from lawn maintenance, which generally addresses simple cosmetic needs.
A professional lawn care service will have a variety of tools to handle these comprehensive tasks. These tools include a mower for cutting grass, a trimmer for trimming hedges and bushes, a spreader for adding fertilizer, and a hose with a spray nozzle for watering gardens and flower beds. In addition, the service should have a van or truck for transporting equipment and a trailer to store extra equipment and supplies.
Some lawn care professionals will use organic treatments for weeds and pests, instead of toxic chemicals. This helps reduce the environmental impact of lawn care, and also promotes healthier soil that is more resistant to disease. Aside from the environmental benefits, an organic lawn care program will cost less than a traditional chemical treatment program.
Another way to cut down on mowing costs is to keep the lawn short. This will encourage the roots to grow deeper and shade out weeds. It will also make the lawn more drought-resistant. When mowing, it’s also important to mulch the clippings or shred them and use them as natural compost. This will help reduce the amount of grass that ends up in landfills.
If you’re looking for a lawn care service that can take the weight off your shoulders, look no further than Lawn Love. We’ll work with you to schedule recurring services, allowing you to stay on top of your lawn without the hassle. And we’ll provide you with an online portal to track your services and budget.
Lawn care companies offer services that promote healthy turf growth and improve the appearance of your property. Mowing, fertilizing and weed control are some of these services. Landscapers also provide landscaping services that transform outdoor spaces through design, construction and planting. They plant trees, shrubs and gardens as well as install hardscape features such as decks, patios and stone walls.
Fertilizing is the practice of applying nutrients to the soil for grass and other plants. The nutrients are usually supplied by natural or synthetic sources and may include a variety of macronutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Micronutrients such as boron, copper, iron and zinc are also important to plant health.
The best way to maintain a healthy lawn is to fertilize it on a regular schedule, ideally every four weeks from spring to mid-autumn. When a lawn is fertilized regularly, it is less likely to be damaged by weeds or disease.
There are three primary nutrients that most grass needs: Nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium. Grass requires these nutrients in order to grow thick and dense and be able to resist environmental pressures such as heat, drought, insects and diseases. Nitrogen is the most commonly depleted nutrient in turf because it is used so extensively by the plant for internal processing, including creating chlorophyll necessary for photosynthesis. Because it is water-soluble, nitrogen can easily be leached out of the soil by rain or irrigation water. Fertilizers with high nitrogen levels help maintain the levels needed for healthy turf.
The second nutrient most grasses need is phosphorous, which encourages root growth and aids in disease resistance. Phosphorus is also a water-soluble nutrient and like nitrogen can be lost from the soil. Fertilizers containing phosphorous are usually added in the fall to prepare grass for colder weather and stimulate root development.
A third nutrient often required by grass is potassium, which helps with disease resistance and encourages water uptake. Potassium is also a water-soluble nutrient but unlike the other two can be retained in the soil. Grass can receive these nutrients naturally from the soil as well as from organic matter such as manure and processed sewage, but it is much easier to obtain these nutrients from a fertilizer. There are many different types of fertilizers, from natural and slow-release to fast-acting and synthetic.
Weed Control
Weeds interfere with your grasses by competing for soil, water and sunlight. They can also inhibit the growth of desirable plants, as they steal nutrients from them and overtake their space. Weeds can be controlled with a variety of methods, including manual pulling, cultural control, herbicide treatment and the use of mulches.
Herbicides (weed killers) are pesticides designed to kill unwanted plants. These are available in many different forms, with the most common being a liquid spray. These are used to treat individual weeds or entire lawn areas. Weed killers work by killing the cells of the weeds, stopping their ability to grow. It is important to apply these chemicals according to the label instructions, as too much may damage desirable plants or run off into streams and creeks and cause environmental problems.
It’s also important to understand that not all weed killers are created equal. Some have features that make them difficult to kill, such as waxy leaves or hairs. Others can have complex root systems that require more than a single application. It is important to try to kill the weeds as early as possible, as once they mature, they will be more difficult and time consuming to remove.
There are also some weeds that will not be killed with any chemical treatment, as they have evolved mechanisms to overcome their natural enemies. These are called weedy resistant or invasive weeds and can be hard to get rid of, as they can compete with desirable species for the same resources.
A good pre-emergent herbicide can help eliminate these, as it prevents new weed seed from germinating by blocking the baby roots. This is a more environmentally friendly approach, but it is only effective for a few weeks, as the weeds will still sprout and grow.
Another option is to use a post-emergent herbicide, which kills existing weeds that are already mature. This type of herbicide is more expensive, but it will work longer than pre-emergents.
Finally, biological control is a method that can be effective for some weeds, especially when they are introduced, invasive species that have spread from their native range. This is achieved by introducing specific natural enemies of the weed, such as herbivores or pathogens. For example, purple loosestrife is a problematic invasive weed that has been successfully controlled in many parts of the US with the introduction of beetles and weevils that specialize in eating this plant.
A well-hydrated lawn is the cornerstone of a lush, healthy landscape. Rather than manually watering a garden or lawn with a watering can or hose, many homeowners and business owners turn to irrigation systems. These sprinklers are a great investment that allow for more control over when, how much and where water is distributed. These systems have been proven to reduce watering waste and to increase the health of a lawn through the proper distribution of nutrients and moisture.
When an irrigation system is installed, it is typically paired with an automated controller. A good controller will tell the sprinklers when to open and close, based on weather conditions and soil moisture levels. The system can also be programmed to avoid buried pipes or other obstacles. Additionally, a rain sensor will notify the controller that the lawn does not need to be watered, preventing unnecessary water waste and potentially lowering your energy costs.
An effective sprinkler system can be the difference between a lush, green yard and one with brown spots or other signs of overwatering-induced diseases. Similarly, mowing at the correct height promotes deep roots and drought resistance and keeps the grass from losing water through evaporation.
Over time, a layer of organic material will build up on the top of your grass, called thatch. Although a small amount of thatch is inevitable, too much can hinder the health of your lawn. When thatch becomes too thick, it can prevent water and air from reaching the root systems. A power rake can help reduce thatch and promote the growth of a lush, beautiful lawn.
Proper lawn care requires a multi-faceted approach that includes mowing, aeration, fertilizing and weed control. A full-service lawn care company will have the resources and expertise to provide these services year-round and keep your landscape looking its best.